Creative Spirit


Our CSR strategy was initiated over 15 years ago, when we adhered to the ANAé Sustainable Development Charter in 2007, and later supplemented by the signing of the Responsible Supplier Relations Charter in 2013.

In 2014, we decided to go one step further by committing to measuring, managing and improving our CSR policy through the Ecovadis platform, which offers a comprehensive assessment service of systems put in place by companies.

We have since been awarded the highest distinction, the EcoVadis Platinum Trophy, which recognizes our CSR performances within the top 1% of international companies.

Lastly, since 2021 we have been ISO 2021 certified. This enables us to implement best practices to help you manage your events while controlling their social, economic and environmental impact.

Creative Spirit


Our CSR strategy was initiated over 15 years ago, when we adhered to the ANAé Sustainable Development Charter in 2007, and later supplemented by the signing of the Responsible Supplier Relations Charter in 2013.

In 2014, we decided to go one step further by committing to measuring, managing and improving our CSR policy through the Ecovadis platform, which offers a comprehensive assessment service of systems put in place by companies.

We have since been awarded the highest distinction, the EcoVadis Platinum Trophy, which recognizes our CSR performances within the top 1% of international companies.

Lastly, since 2021 we have been ISO 2021 certified. This enables us to implement best practices to help you manage your events while controlling their social, economic and environmental impact.